Saturday, February 5, 2011

Knit Yourself a Turban

I hate to do this, really I do. I never wanted to put a picture of myself up here. But I just knit this awesome turban and I had to share it. It doesn't look very good photographed flat and I couldn't fit it on our display head (curses to my small head!). So there you have it- a picture of me in my new (very warm) turban. I had some Dream in Color classy left over from a sweater and I loved the color so much I wanted to knit a hat out of it. But I wanted a new shape- I did the slouchy beret thing but it was never really for me. I have always been more of a cloche girl (fancy myself a flapper) but knitted ones are tricky. So I got my mind set on a turban (how vintage movie star!). One quick search on Ravelry and I found this pattern- you can find it here.
p.s. Just last night I saw a fashion headline online- "Change your sunhat to a turban this Spring".